London Quranic Arabic Online
We offer online tuition support in all areas of London.
If you live in an area where you do not have access to the local Masjid or Madrasah due to distance or you have access but they are full or the class is distracting or your child is not getting enough attention then we may be able to help you.
Our online lessons are done via Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Facetime, WhatsApp etc. Whichever medium you prefer we have a tutor for you.
Let us know what you are looking for exactly whether 1 to 1 home tuition, online lessons, group lessons for family or friends etc.
We often receive emails from female tutors, so if you are in need of one we may be able to pass on their information to you. In the event that we are full or the tutors that we know are not taking on new clients or students then we can reserve a spot for you until something becomes available.
London Quranic Arabic tuition open daily
Click here for the registration page.
Click here for the twitter page.

learning Arabic
Arabic is the fourth/fifth most spoken language in the world. There are many countries that speak Arabic as a first language. Arabic along with languages like Mandarin are major language groups and are important for a number of reasons.
The growth in Arabic language learning is attributed in part to the many new Muslims as well as University and College courses offering a variety of Arabic language options.
Don’t forget, Arabic is not only for Muslims or Arabs.
Is Arabic difficult?
It can be, it depends. It is said that Arabic is a difficult language to learn but which language has not been called difficult to learn? The difficulty is down to a number of reasons like motivation, having a good reason to do something, finding the time, making enough effort, avoiding being lazy and finding excuses etc. So the difficulty is a mindset. Of course, there are people with impediments whether it be to do with learning itself or speech impediments but that is no fault of the language itself. Every language including Arabic has its own way of doing things so don’t expect everything to be the same way as you have been used to with the language that you were born into.
European, African, Asian and other nations are notorious for knowing at least two languages, their own native language as well as English and/or French. Many English speakers are known for not knowing many languages, especially after finishing exams at school. That is not to say that all English speakers are the same but some do not see the need to learn another language and that’s their choice.
Muslims and Arabic
One of the first things that a person does when he or she becomes a Muslim is to learn some basic Arabic words and chapters of the Quran, it is a must. Beyond memorisation of a few chapters and knowing what to say in prayers many do not really get to grips with the language because of life and its many obstacles or maybe like some people they do not see the need after all the Quran is in English… actually the Quran is in Arabic. What people read in multiple languages is a close translation but it’s not the literal Quran.
So why learn Arabic?
- It is an international language.
- It is a spiritual language.
- It is a scientific language.
- It is one of the top languages to learn in political and economic circles.
- Its letters are clear, unlike many languages where various letters can have different sounds and pronunciations. For example in English, the letter ‘P’ for politics or people is pronounced as an ‘F’ in the word phrase and pharmacy and as ‘S’ in Psychology and Psychiatry.
- It is a language whose learners increase every time someone becomes Muslim.
- It is a language not just of Arabs or for Arabs.
- There are obviously many jobs a person can get if they can speak Arabic such as within Journalism, travel companies, NGO’s, charitable organisations and aid agencies, translation and interpretation, teaching, government agencies, financial institutes working and meeting with those rich Arabs etc.
- For social reasons…maybe you have a Muslim friend or know someone who is Arab or speaks Arabic.
- It is a language that has been around for more than 2000 years. It has ancient, classical, modern and colloquial versions of it.
- And last but not least it is the language of one of the most popular and widely read books ever, the Quran. A book that despite controversy attracts so many people of all backgrounds, colours and cultures.
London Quranic Arabic tuition open daily