ADLS Language


Dear all,

please read this information regarding contacting us.

You are free to contact us via, email, text message, phone call, facebook messenger, whatsapp, twitter, instagram etc but…

1. We prefer an email over the other forms of contact as it allows us to furnish you with much more detailed information. Emails are also kept on record for your and our reference. An email is also free and only requires a device and data/internet connection.

2. If you call us we may be in a lesson or otherwise engaged on another call. Whereas we can always get back to an email that you have sent. For quick information a call is fine.

3. If you do not regularly use email and prefer to text message us it would be better to use our whatsapp rather than a regular text message. That way contacting us is not limited to any particular phone company messaging system, which may be limited in certain instances.

4. If we are on holiday we can still reply to communications sent via email at no cost to you or us.