Please inform of any upcoming travel arrangements well in advance.
Private tuition may either not be available or may be scaled back throughout the days of
Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Adha (at the end of the month of Ramadhan and during the month of
Dhul Hijah) or the beginning of the Islamic New Year.
There may also be limited tuition/tutor availability, for home tuition, during mid-March to mid-June when students will need extra help with GCSE Arabic exam preparation.
Tuition services may often continue during summer holidays, bank holidays, Easter and
Christmas but the tutor may require a break during these times, like many students.
Please seek confirmation so that you are not charged for a lesson which you thought would not
take place.
Unless you are informed otherwise, or unless you clarify with us in advance about your
unavailability during these times of the year, lessons are expected to take place on these days.
We do not charge for home tuition cancellations due to extremely bad weather. Payments can
either be carried forward, to the following week/month.
You will be kept informed of any other absences in advance. In the event of any
disruption to service due to personal, family or work-related reasons or due to traffic or
similar delays it is the responsibility of tutee, as well as the tutor, to keep the other party
informed and updated regarding such delays and offer an alternative arrangement if possible.