August Updates ADLS Arabic
Hi everyone, it’s been a while since the last update but here it is. We are entering a new year of studies for which we wish all students all the best.
Students are moving to new classes, new systems are being employed for lessons, and more in the pipeline.
For now here is the latest.
We are offering limited FREE Quran lessons for all ages. These are lessons which continue beyond a free trial, and take place once weekly. This is an online arrangement only, for use with either Zoom or Skype.
We are still waiting for all results to come in regarding the GCSE Arabic exams. This is the first day but we expect more news by the end of today and tomorrow, and perhaps into the weekend. We shall keep you updated. Thus far we have one pass at higher tier. Results shall be displayed all together.
As you may know we offer general Arabic lessons for all ages, and abilities. We also offer GCSE Arabic, which is one of our more popular courses. The way we offer these courses is changing, and parents are in the process of being updated with the relevant information in order for lessons to take place. We request that any questions you may have regarding the new site, payment dates, terms etc be sent to us via email for us to deal with. If you are not already on our WhatsApp please add us or send your number to be added.
We are not posting, or monitoring much on Facebook/social media as this would take too much of our time. But we shall post, where possible, though this may be irregularly. For the most part we are busy with emails, communicating with tutors, and maintaining behind the scenes administration that runs everything.
Thank you for your time.
As always thank you for your custom, forgive us for any shortcomings.
Best regards
ADLS Arabic Team – Contact Us.
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