Do you know the types of plurals in Arabic? Check out the below information regarding Sound Masculine and Feminine Plurals.

The Sound Masculine and Feminine Plurals
The types of plurals for nouns in Arabic are either:
- جمع مذكر سالم – Sound masculine plural (Jam3u Mudhakir Saalim). Formed by adding wow and noon, or ya and noon, at the end of words for example معلمون – مدرسين
- جمع مؤنت سالم – Sound feminine plural (Jam3u Muanath Saalim). Formed by adding alif and open ta, at the end of words for example طالبات – دجاجات
- جمع تكسير – Broken plural (Jam3u Takseer). There is no one form for the broken plural, rather there are several patterns which you shall get used to, the more you read. For example كتب – رجال – نجوم – نساء