ADLS Language

Arabic for an exam

She said she only wanted to learn Arabic for an exam.

So this is something that we see time and time again, fortunately not with everyone. So when some students are asked what they will go on to do with the Arabic language studies, they often don’t have an answer.

Of course not everyone who studies a GCSE in Arabic will want to go on to do an A’ level in Arabic. It would be nice to know that at the very least some would carry on in some small capacity. It need not even be with a tutor but just for your own selves. It just seems a waste when you look back at 12-24 months worth of study for GCSE Arabic, just to see it nose dive after an exam, never to be revived again.

I guess language lovers are a rare breed.

Fostering a love for languages actually makes the language learning process easier. You find your own motivation to learn, and keep finding new ways to get round a language issue.

Arabic for an exam

So if you’re ever interested in finding out what you can do after you have sat your GCSE Arabic exams, get in touch.